"> Jared Pedroza | Hope this helps

Overview for 'management'

We care about our employees!

As we watch another round of layoffs from tech companies, I am forced to ponder why any employer wonders why their employees have no loyalty to the company.

Written by Jared Pedroza on 24 Jan 2023.

Build your IP portfolio or build someone elses

Intellectual property is a part of your asset portfolio that many businesses overlook. Whether it is software, images, branding, or products, IP is something you can't afford to ignore.

Written by Jared Pedroza on 02 Feb 2023.

Why are you the way you are?

I get this question a lot for some reason. Ok, I know the reason, because I am a little odd... eccentric... flat out weird. There I said it. The answer I usually give is, "Have you met my parents?" But there is more to me than that, so here is a longer answer.

Written by Jared Pedroza on 08 Mar 2023.

All work is hard work, but some work is harder than others...

I started working on my grandparent's farm when I was 8 years old. My cousin and I would spend time sweeping out the coolers, carrying boxes of apples for the sorting machines, or helping in the store. When I got older, I would help change the oil in the tractor, or one of the delivery trucks, in addition to working in the apple orchards or in the store. This taught me that working on a farm is hard, and I thought I might like to have a different job that wasn't such hard work. I have had a lot of different jobs over the years, and they have all been hard in their own ways.

Written by Jared Pedroza on 04 Dec 2023.